Quinnipiac Law Recent Faculty Scholarship
Scholarship Driving Change
Kevin Barry
Professor of Law and Associate Dean for Student Success
Parental Autonomy, Family Disruption, and a New Attack on Transgender Rights, 16 Northeastern University Law Review 673 (with Jennifer Levi) (2024).
Transgender Athletes & Disability Rights, 35 Stanford Law & Policy Review 178 (2024).
Jennifer Gerarda Brown
Professor of Law
A Legislative Response to 303 Creative, 134 Yale L.J.F 270 (2025) (with Ian Ayres).
Sara Cates
Assistant Professor of Legal Skills
A Sloppy Amalgamation: Law, Poetry, and the Making of Legal Writers, 8 J. Acad. Writing Assignments 50 (2024).
Transcending Genre: Lessons from the Poet on Good Writing, 21 J. ALWD 153 (2024) (Book Review).
Jeffrey A. Cooper
Professor of Law
The Final Account (A Jack Collins Thriller), Red Adept Publishing (2025).
2020 Developments in Connecticut Estate and Probate Law, 94 Conn. B.J. 348 (2024) (with John R. Ivimey & Katherine E. Mulry).
Neal Feigenson
Lynne J. Pantalena Professor of Law
Say It with Pictures: Image and Text in Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. v. Goldsmith, 76 Ala. L. Rev. 79 (2024).
Naïve realism and visual evidence: Theory, research, and legal applications, Psychology, Public Policy & Law (2024) (peer reviewed).
Effects of Verbal Framing and Attitudes Toward Police on Mock Jurors’ Judgments of Body-Worn Camera Video, Applied Cognitive Psychology, vol. 38, no. 6 (2024) (with Jaihyun Park & Ngayin Cheng).
Jennifer Herbst
Professor of Law and Medical Sciences
An Opportunity to Reconsider Fiduciary Framing in Medicine, 23 Amer. J. Bioethics 46 (2023).
Jordan A. Jefferson
Director of the Lynne J. Pantalena Law Library and Associate Professor of Law
Considering Trauma-Informed Reference Services in an Academic Law Library, in Exploring Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Academic Law Librarianship: Historical Reflections, Present Challenges, and Future Opportunities in Legal Education (Jessica de Perio Wittman & Raquel J. Gabriel eds., forthcoming 2025).
Wayne Unger
Assistant Professor of Law
Data Privacy & Security Law (West Academic, 1st ed.) (forthcoming 2025).
The Constitutionality of Brain Searches, 50 Hastings Const. L. Q. 321 (2023).
Stay Out of My Head: Neurodata, Privacy, and the First Amendment, 80 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 1439 (2023).
Quinnipiac Today

Trustee’s transformative philanthropic gift to law students supports dean’s vision to ensure post-graduate success Opens in a new tab or window.
Read the full story Trustee’s transformative philanthropic gift to law students supports dean’s vision to ensure post-graduate success Opens in a new tab or window.
Hartford mayor challenges School of Law graduates to seek different perspectives, ‘dream dreams of worlds yet to be’ Opens in a new tab or window.
Read the full story Hartford mayor challenges School of Law graduates to seek different perspectives, ‘dream dreams of worlds yet to be’ Opens in a new tab or window.
Judge L. Scott Melville, U.S. Education Secretary Dr. Miguel A. Cardona honored with Quinnipiac’s Black Law Students Association awards Opens in a new tab or window.
Read the full story Judge L. Scott Melville, U.S. Education Secretary Dr. Miguel A. Cardona honored with Quinnipiac’s Black Law Students Association awards Opens in a new tab or window.
Commitment to public service unites Quinnipiac law alumni nominated to serve as Connecticut superior court judges Opens in a new tab or window.
Read the full story Commitment to public service unites Quinnipiac law alumni nominated to serve as Connecticut superior court judges Opens in a new tab or window.Contact Us
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